Machias Valley Baptist Church

Sermons from Machias Valley Baptist Church in Machias, Maine, where Zach Vaughn is the Senior Pastor. Learn more about our small church in rural New England at

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Tuesday May 07, 2024

May 5, 2024.  Pastor Zach Vaughn.
Title: "The Cross-Shaped Life, Part 1"
Text: Mark 9:30-41
Sermon Points:
1) A cross-shaped life must begin with the gospel.
2) A cross-shaped life must be one of serving others.
3) A cross-shaped life must serve out of allegiance to Christ.

Thursday May 02, 2024

April 28, 2024. Mark 9:14-29. Pastor Zach Vaughn.

The Divinity of Jesus - Mark

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

April 7, 2024. Pastor Zach Vaughn.
Title: "The Divinity of Jesus" Text: Mark 9:2-13 Sermon Points:1) Behold the hidden glory of Jesus.2) Wait for the glorious return of Jesus.3) Listen to the words of Jesus.4) Remember the suffering of Jesus.

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

March 31, 2024. Pastor Zach Vaughn.
Title: "Easter According to Jesus" Text: Mark 8:31-9:1 Sermon Points:1) The Power for Christianity     a) Personal Transformation     b) Legal Justification     c) Cosmic Redemption2) The Call of Christianity3) The Hope of Christianity     a) Future Resurrection     b) Present Power

Eyes Opened - Mark

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

March 24, 2024. Pastor Zach Vaughn. 
Title: "Eyes Opened" Text: Mark 8:22-30 Sermon Points:1) A picture of our blindness.2) False views of a blind world.3) The healing confession of Christ's identity.

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

March 17, 2024. Mark 8:1-21. Pastor Zach Vaughn.
Title: "Beware: Unbelief Lurks Here"
Text: Mark 8:1-21
Sermon Points:
1) Beware of missing out on the Lord's power.
2) Beware of testing the Lord.
3) Beware of self-focused unbelief.

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024

March 10, 2024. Mark 7:24-37. Pastor Zach Vaughn.

Tuesday Mar 05, 2024

March 3, 2024. Guest Speaker: Paul Trovarello.  Paul is the Director of Arise Addiction Recovery and assistant pastor of Machias Christian Fellowship in Machias, Maine.
Sermon Title:  "Jesus, Master! Have Mercy on Us!"
Text: Luke 17:11-19

Tuesday Feb 27, 2024

February 25, 2024. Pastor Zach Vaughn.
Title:  Traditions, Scripture, and the Heart of ManText:   Mark 7:1-23Sermon Points:1) Outward worship without a heart for God is worthless.2) God's commands trump any tradition of man.     a) God's Word is our rule for all of life.     b) Adding to the Word of God actually takes away from the Word of God.3) Defilement is not a matter of outward conformity, but of inward desires.

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

February 18, 2024. Pastor Zach Vaughn.
Title: "The Patient and Powerful Christ"
Text: Mark 6:45-56
Sermon Points:
1) Jesus is patient with His people.
2) Jesus desires for us to recognize His deity.
3) Come to Jesus and be made well.


Machias Valley Baptist Church

Machias, Maine

Our mission is to participate in the Great Commission given by Jesus found in Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8.

Our vision is to be a body of equipped and employed saints referenced in Ephesians 4:13-16 and to be ever increasing in the fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22, 23.

Our values are found in Acts 2:42-47 to be a church devoted to the teaching of God’s Word, the fellowship of believers, the worshiping of Christ, the ministry of prayer, and the serving of one another.

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